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Split Inner Track Crankshaft Bearing (QJM 1 3/8) or equivalent spec - M, F, C, D, J, OHC Morris Minor

RHP QJM 1 3/8 Crankshaft Bearing – M, D, C, J, F Type

(click on image to enlarge, click again to close)

We have in the past been occasionally successful in purchasing batches of the original RHP QJM 1 3/8 split inner track crankshaft bearings. Sources have now all but dried up however and we find that small batches only seem to materialise every 7 to 10 years, also coming from distant lands.

(click on image to enlarge, click again to close)

As at July 2020, we took stock of 10 new old stock bearings and in pristine wax coated packets, 9 of which sold within a four day period.

A word of warning: We are aware that MMM enthusiasts are also being offered a Chinese copy RHP QJM bearing which is sometimes retailed in an unbranded blue box. We were curious as to the origin and through months of investigations, we tracked these down to a source in China. Having spoken to the Chinese on this product, the bearing is not all that it would appear to be. Firstly, there is one less ball bearing incorporated within the race (i.e. 11 balls instead of 12) and secondly, we ascertained that the material specification compared to the original is rather substandard. For this source to make bearings to the correct specification the cost would be astronomic. We have learned that this substandard bearing is being offered to the MMM enthusiast.

These can be use in conjunction with the crankshaft bearing retaining plate we stock.

Price £245 each when in stock - please enquire

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Website last updated Oct 12 2024

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